Some Cats by nature are fairly independent, so some cat parents feel it’s okay to leave their beloved pets to the care of just anyone. However engaging the services of professional cat sitter who knows what they’re doing will provide peace of mind should any emergencies arise.
Whether you are heading away on a holiday or having to go into hospital, consider these reasons why it’s best to hire a professional cat sitter:
1) They give the Professional Standard of Care Service you pay for.
You could ask a neighbour or a friend to drop in on your cat while you’re away. But, you can’t compel them to make that task a priority. What happens if something comes up or they simply forget? Whatabout unsaid expectations and favours in return? Will you have to help them move house in future for example? With a professional cat sitter, you get the service you pay for (and more!) without the awkwardness.
2. They will know how to prevent emergencies
Professional Cat Sitters know there are outdoor hazards and will provide a shaded, netted, secure cat enclosure or will keep cats securely indoors, working with a Indoor Safety Checklist for inside your home, to de-risk their home or yours, as much as possible.
3) They will calmly recognise emergencies – and act fast.
The risk of a pet emergency is at a minimum when a professional is around but sometimes, it just happens. At least you know that if one arises, a professional cat sitter will know exactly what to do. Even better, some are certified to provide first aid and perform CPR. For example, a cat straining to go to the toilet, but can’t – could mean a urinary blockage (Feline Urethral Obstruction) which is a critical emergency – and a Professional Cat Sitter will know they should take them straight to the nearest Emergency Vet!
4) Their reputation is publicly visible, making them Accountable.
Professional cat sitters depend on repeat customers and word-of-mouth. While neighbourhood kids can afford to just stop pet sitting after a bad experience, professionals will do everything they can offer the best service possible.
Hiring a professional cat sitter is the best thing for your cat. Think about it; their passion and living depend on caring for pets. They’ll always have your cat’s best interest at heart. You can rest easy knowing that your beloved pet (as well as your house) is in good hands. Keep in mind, though, that not all pet sitters have all these qualifications. Make sure you do your due diligence before settling on one.
5) They can address special needs.
A professional cat sitter has the training and experience to provide special care. They’ll know how to administer medication and even provide wound care. Just give them instructions, and you can rest easy that it’s done right.
6) They’re Public Liability Insured, protecting your Wallet against emergency Vet Bills.
It might be cheaper to get a neighbour or random stranger from the local classifieds. But if in case tragedy strikes, the best they’ll be able to offer is an apology. Professional cat sitters have public liability insurance. This means they are insured for possible mistakes the individual or business might make. That gives you something to rely on for anything from losing your key to getting emergency veterinary care. In the US, this is known as “Bonded and Insured” in Australia this is known as “Public Liability Insured”.
7) They’ve passed a thorough Police Background check.
A professional cat sitter will have secured a police background check. That is if they’re really serious about their business. As long as they went through a reputable screening company, you know you can trust them with your pet as well as your home.
8) They really understand cats.
Not all cats behave the same way. A professional cat sitter can understand your specific cat’s temperament and respond accordingly. They can interpret body language and will know what to do to minimize anxiety and gain your cat’s trust.
9) They might become your Cat’s new friend.
Someone who does this for a living is a sure cat lover. They won’t stop at the minimum requirement of laying down food and water. They’ll find joy in caring for your cat and gaining their affection. A professional cat sitter will make sure your cat is not just alive but also happy.
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