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  Many of the foods that we love to eat on a daily basis are dangerous to dogs and cats, and unfortunately, as a result of this, poisonings are a frequent occurrence. By knowing what they shouldn’t eat, and keeping these safely out of reach, you can be an advocate for your fur mates’ health and prevent illness.  Dr Claire speaks with us from and gives us a list of 10 dangers for your pet that you need to know:

1. Alcohol: effects range from depression, difficulty walking, slow breathing, collapse, and possibly death in dogs and cats.

2. Bread and Pizza Dough: The yeast ferments to ethanol causing alcohol toxicity in dogs and cats, and the dough can continue to expand in the tummy causing abdominal pain and bloating, often surgical intervention is required.

3. Chocolate: Depending on the amount eaten, as well as the type of chocolate, signs range from an upset tummy to hyperactivity, seizures, abnormal heart rhythm and possibly death in dogs and cats.

4. Coffee: Signs include hyperactivity, vomiting, abnormal heart rhythms, tremors, seizures and possibly death in dogs and cats.

5. Garlic & Onions: Onions and garlic (5 times more potent than onion) cause damage to and destruction of red blood cells and lead to anaemia in dogs and cats.

6. Fatty foods: Even small amounts of food high in fat can cause an upset tummy, or worse, pancreatitis in dogs and cats.

7. Macadamia nuts: Within 12 hours of eating them they can result in vomiting, difficulty walking, weakness, high body temperature and depression in dogs.

8. Medications: OK, not a food but so important I couldn’t leave out! All human medications have the potential to cause a toxicity or problem for your pet. Notably, common pain relief medications such as paracetamol and aspirin.

9. Sultanas/Grapes: Can cause kidney failure in dogs (& has the potential to do so in cats). What’s in them, as well as how much to cause toxicity is unknown and varies between individuals, so best to avoid completely.

10. Xylitol: (a sugar substitute in gums, lollies, medications, baked goods and more): can cause a severe drop in blood sugar and possible liver failure in dogs.   Even 1 piece of chewing gum in a 5kg dog can cause a drop in blood glucose requiring treatment. If your fur kid has eaten something they shouldn’t, call your local vet clinic or emergency centre immediately. The sooner treatment and supportive care can be started, the better the outcome for your buddy. Dr Claire Jenkins from VetChat

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