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10 Reasons Why pets make the perfect date on Valentines day

10 Reasons Why pets make the perfect date on Valentines day

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, sometimes there are unsaid expectations and occasionally, disappointment. But you know who will never let you down – pets! Pets make the purrrrfect date on Valentine’s Day – here’s why…


1. Pets think you are pawfect the way you are.

No matter how the rest of the world sees you, in your pet’s eyes you are the coolest and most beautiful person ever.


2. Pets don’t care about expensive gifts, flowers or chocolates.

The only gift they want is your time. And pats. And walks. And cheese.


3. Pets are drama-free.

They wear their hearts on their furry sleeve and express their feelings openly and honestly.


4. Pets are always happy to see you.

Whether you are gone a month or five minutes, a  dog will be there waiting, tail wagging, going bonkers when you return. A cat will be nuzzling you and purring.


5. Pets always let you pick the movie.

Pets don’t have opposable thumbs to use the remote anyway.


6. Pets never judge.

Even on those days (like Valentine’s Day) when you stay in your pajamas all day, watch Married at First Sight, and eat ice cream.


7. Pets love to cuddle.

‘Nuff said.


8. Pets can’t eat chocolate, so there’s no need to share

The choccies are all yours!


9. Pets believe in happily ever. 

They will never leave you. Unless you have a digger. Or a tom cat.


10. Pets love unconditionally.

Once you have their heart – you have it forever. 

Pets make the perfect companion for holidays and every day in between. So grab some heart-shaped pet furrrr-iendly treats and some choccies for yourself and celebrate Valentine’s Day with your furry best mate.



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