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10 Running Safety Tips for Women

10 Running Safety Tips for Women

The team at PetCloud thought we’d put a few safety tips together to help Pet Owners and Pet Sitters keep safe while out walking with dogs.

1. Alternate your Route and Times you go.

Don’t be predictable for anyone planning to jump you.

2. Tell a friend or partner that youre going for a run.

Also tell them where youre going and how long you’ll be.

3. Avoid running at night or dusk.

Dusk makes it difficult to see and can dazzle the eyes. Night also makes it harder to see. Try running when the sun is still up but its still cool enough of a temperature.

4. Avoid unpopulated routes.

A route with less bushes and more people is best.

5. Don’t run with headphones or earphones in.

But if it really motives you then sure, but keep it down low and maybe switch off at key routes if you notice you are alone.

6. Carry a loud alarm & carry a mobile phone.

One when you pull it, it makes an incredibly loud noice to draw attention to you in the event of an attacker. Here’s an example you can buy off ebay. At 130 decibels, it sounds like a winner.  Ensure a mobile phone can be pulled out quickly and easily from a running belt, or dare I say BUM BAG. (I personally am a big fan of bum bags, bring ’em back into vogue I say!).

7. When possible, buddy up.

Yes, we get it that this is not always possible, nor is company always wanted. But if you go it alone – just be smart about it.

8. Look Confident & Take some Self Defence Classes.

Aim to look confident and in control of both your dog and any situation you are in. If you don’t feel confident, sometimes there are 6 week Self Defence Classes you can do that may help.

9. Dress Modestly.

Women are welcome to wear what they want, all Im saying is, this might decrease your chance of unwanted sexual harrassment.  If it does come your way, just ignore it and keep running.  But if your safety is threatened, respond with assertive communication and take action to remove yourself from the situation.

10. Obey traffic signals & always watch for drivers not looking.  

I have been on a zebra crossing plenty of times where I have had to jump out of the way of drivers not 100% focused on the road.  If you’re walking around the streets, ensure you walk in the opposite direction to the traffic These tips have been adapted and compiled from the ABC’s website.  Want to get involved in Paw Patrol with the Police?  Residents are being encouraged to keep an eye on their local communities as they walk around the block with their four-legged friends. To read the article, you’ll be taken to the ABC’s website.  Please share this article with a girlfriend and keep them safe  

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