The Covid 5km travel limit restrictions do not apply to work, when giving or receiving care, such as dog walking, or when Pet Sitters are on assignment to feed & water pets or to take them to the Vet as defined by the duty of care in the Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 and Code of Practice.
You should also refer to your State Health website for Guidance:
- Queensland
- New South Wales
- Australian Capital Territory
- Victoria
- South Australia
- Western Australia
- Tasmania
- Northern Territory
Did you know? Exercising your pet is so important that RSPCA Australia has proposed laws requiring dog owners exercise their dogs on a daily basis.
Having regular dog walks:
- Will promote cardiovascular fitness, lower blood pressure & strong muscles
- Prevent Obesity related medical conditions like osteoarthritis, cardiovascular disease, liver disease and insulin resistance
- Can mean less barking & destruction.Yes, dogs can get stressed and depressed, just like humans can, if they don’t move. Exercise produces serotonin and makes them happy and relaxed.
Other Essential Care Services can still be booked
- Home Visits, Pet Sitting, Dog Walking, and House Sitting should still be booked.
- Sitters cannot not enter any aged care homes to protect older Australians.
- Sitters can only enter elderly private homes of Pet Owners if you are away or in hospital.
Before your Meet & Greet: Please advise our Sitters if any of the following applies to you:
- You are unwell with flu-like symptoms;
- You have travelled overseas within the past 14 days;
- You have come into contact with a person that has tested positive for COVID-19.
What you can do to keep us all safe:
- As usual book and pay online
- Wear a mask.
- Meet and Greets should be held virtually over video (try using Skype, Zoom, or Google hangouts). Go through the RSPCA Qld Property Checklist during the call.
- If you meet in person, keep 1.5 metres distance between yourself and others. No shaking hands.
- Avoid non essential travel.
- Limit the number of people accompanying your pet to a maximum of one person
- When entering and leaving a Meet & Greet, always use the hand sanitizer, even though there will be no contact.
- Everyone should wash hands with soap and water after touching pets & surfaces.
- We are doing everything we can to continue to provide quality service to you and your pet and reduce the risk to both our clients and team members.
Essential Service Form which our Pet Sitters and Dog Walkers print to show if questioned by Police during assignment. This form can be downloaded here.
Pet Sitters can email the Essential Services PDF to Officeworks using email address: for printing up to 24 hours before you visit store for pick up (or you can print at any nearby printing shop or library if you don’t own a printer at home) . We recommend printing about 20 copies.