With an array of travel deals enticing Australians in the internet, there often remain times when it’s not possible to take the family pet along. We show you how to find a quality pet sitter…
1. Decide on What Pet Care Services you need
Pet Sitters generally all set their own prices and services and is as varied as your needs may be. Some Pet Sitters offer live-in care (known as “house sitting”), while others may offer grooming, outdoor exercise, and training. Once you and your pet have determined what services your pet needs, head to reputable national website, PetCloud. PetCloud is partnered with the RSPCA across most States in Australia and is the only Pet Sitting service to have RSPCA (Qld) Accredited Pet Sitters.
2. Use a Pet Sitting Service Website
Using a Pet Sitting Service website can cut down on the time you spend search for a Sitter by offering an advanced search and selecting things such as distance from your home, services offered, size dog serviced, size of backyard offered, and price range. A good pet sitting service will insure all bookings and also conduct verification checks (on email addresses, phone numbers, facebook connection, home addresses, current and valid drivers licenses and even offer national Police Background checks.
In the search results, click on each Sitter to read their online reviews from other people who have used them. Good Sitters will have a clear profile photo, click through the photos of their backyard, and lounge and look for places that indicate they have a secure fence, maintained outdoor area, and clean and tidy house.
If the Sitter will be entering or staying in your home while you are away, check on the website that your sitter has undergone a recent criminal background check and has received proper training. On PetCloud we have verification badges that tell Pet Owners exactly what Sitter training, verifications, and checks the Sitter has had.
PetCloud House & Pet Sitter Lauren from Surry Hills, NSW has had a Police Background check.
There is a variety of Pet Sitters on PetCloud. Some are even extremely experienced with Veterinarian-related qualifications. On PetCloud, we have optional RSPCA (Qld) Accredited Pet Sitters.
See image below.
Hannah from Melbourne is an RSPCA (Qld) Accredited Pet Sitter
3. Request a “Meet & Greet” with the Sitter
Request a Meet & Greet 2-4 weeks before the pet stay with your pet(s) present to observe interactions and establish a “comfort level” for both you and your pet(s). The purpose of a Meet & Greet is also for you and the Pet Sitter to together walk through the Sitters home and yard to ensure there’s no holes in the fence, no hazards or obstructions in the backyard, check that any poisons are out of reach and that fences are adequate for the breed and size of your pet.
4. Shop and pack a Pet Holiday Bag
Pack a Pet Holiday Bag. PetCloud have provided this must-have handy list on their website so you can know what to take.
OK, let’s see if I have everything packed. My teddy, my ball, my coat,
my kibble & meat, and a photo of my family. Think that’s it. Photo: @tobywigglebottom
5. Snap a photo of your Sitters address and phone number
You will need to drive to their home on the way to the airport or the highway so keep it in a handy spot.
6. Handing over Care of your Pet to the Sitter
When you arrive with your pet at the pet sitters home, (or if the Sitter comes to pick them up) remind the Sitter about any medical or behaviour problems your pet has, such as a history of epilepsy or fear of thunder. Then hand your Pet’s Holiday Bag and your leashed pet to the sitter, and say good-bye.
Meeting the Sitter @tobywigglebottom
7. Then relax and enjoy your holiday!
Relax knowing your booking is insured, you will receive daily photo updates of what your pet is getting up to from your Pet Sitter straight to your inbox on the PetCloud website.
Hero image credit: @tobywigglebottom

Download the PetCloud App and get Pet Friendly Cafes around you, on the go.
Download IOS: https://apple.co/2PifzXs Android: https://bit.ly/3aFeK2m