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What to pack when your pet stays with a Pet Sitter

What to pack when your pet stays with a Pet Sitter

Preparing for your own holiday away often means at times certain things are missing when packing your pet’s bag for them to go and stay at a Pet Sitter’s home.

Here is a handy checklist of what to pack:

  1. Disposable Puppy Pads or Cat litter tray with litter
  2. A roll of poo bags and a poo bag dispenser
  3. A lead / leash – (Make sure they are wearing a collar with an engraved ID Tag on it and a Council Registration tag)
  4. Grooming Brush, Nail Clippers, Flea Shampoo
  5. Any medication they are on
  6. Enough Dry & Wet Food for the Stay + 2 days extra just in case
  7. Enrichment toy such as a smart treat ball
  8. Dog Yoghurt Drops, Pigs Ears, Chicken dried tendeloins, or Dried Liver Treats
  9. A soft plush comfort toy, a squeaky toy they can chew or fetch
  10. A collapsible silicon bowl or canvas foldable bowl
  11. A soft bed
  12. A Pet Sitter holiday tag and ensure all their ID tags, Council Registration tags, and RSPCA VIP tags are up to date with your current address and contact numbers.
  13. A car harness or booster box with harness

The good thing about using PetCloud is that your pet’s vaccination certificates and vet’s contact details will already be online, as well as behaviour and habits.

What to pack

Read more: The Golden Rules for Pet Owners when using a Pet Sitter

Find local Vets, store your Pet’s Health, etc, download PetCloud today.

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