In an online age of iPads, games, movies, and cartoons, it can be somewhat of a challenge to get grandkids to disconnect from all of the buzz and connect with you as a grandparent. Yes, Grandmas house can be a little slower, a little quieter, and sometimes, even known as boring!
So how can we as Grandparents compete with our grand childrens appetite for technology?
Animal Care. Yes, looking after animals. Online website is a great way to build a relationship with your grandkids by supervising them while pet sitting, and they can learn about earning and saving pocket money.
They will also learn about responsible pet ownership, animal types, and different breeds. Best of all it’s free for you to join as a Pet Sitter.
You just create your profile, and create a listing with photos of your backyard and Pet Owners will contact you through the website. You can then accept only the animals you want to mind and the times your want to mind them.
The feedback we are getting from Grandparents and parents is that the energy the kids spend in learning how to wash, brush, and walk different kinds of pets means kids are returning home more rested, attentive, and can’t wait to go back to Grandma’s house!
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Here are few more reasons why Pet minding can be the perfect hobby for all the seniors out there
1- Extra income – By becoming a free pet minder, you can can earn upto $50 – $100 per day depending on the services you provide to the pet owners.
2- Companionship – A pet can be a great companion for those whose kids have moved away or have lost their spouse. They can be the perfect cure to loneliness.
3 – Stress Buster – Pets can help relieve the stress and also be of great help for people suffering from dementia or Alzheimer. Research has also proved that interaction with pets can stimulate the appetite among people who might not eat regularly.
4- Fitness buddy – Exercise is an integral part of our lives, playing with a pet makes seniors more active and in some cases also help with arthritic hands and arms.
5- Bodyguard – Elders are always at the risk of robberies or burglaries and having pets around can be a real comfort. Dogs are often considered the best for guarding a house, even a small dog can deter a robber because of the barking. As Catherine Pulsifer said “Retirement may be an ending, a closing, but it is also a new beginning.” At Petcloud, We are a community of pet lovers providing a kennel alternative. Join our community of minders and make the most of being a retiree 🙂
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Find local Vets, store your Pet’s Health, etc, download PetCloud today.
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