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How to Spend Less so You Can Travel More

How to Spend Less so You Can Travel More

For those looking to save money for travel but are unsure where to start, we offer our top 5 tips to learn how to spend less.

One of the most common excuses for not traveling is finances. But for those who are able to seriously commit to goals and only spend on basic necessities like rent, utility bills, weekly groceries, insurance, and cleaning products, then you will start to see some serious savings in your bank account.

Money Earning Tips

1. Get Paid to Exercise!

Yes – this is real – you can join PetCloud to become a Dog Walker and get paid $50 an hour and upwards to walk time poor Pet Owner’s dogs.

2. Get paid to Holiday away

Although it may be tempting to spend money on short daytrips or weekend jaunts out of town, you can save up money for longer trips by getting paid to stay in Pet Owners homes (known as “House Sitting”) to take care of their pets while they are away. It’s certainly the best way to travel as you’re both earning & saving money that you would have spent on a hotel.

Travelers can pick and choose housesitting jobs on Australian website based on their own preferences and needs, as each job specifies whether the owner has dogs, cats, or other animals.

Simply join the site free, then Sitters must go through I.D. verification and get a police history check, then you can create a listing along with your services, prices, and photos, and then apply for house sitting jobs in the location of your choice. It’s a win-win.

3. Get paid to blog and share a link across social media 

Are you a social media butterfly?  Or do you own a website that gets a fair amount of traffic?  You can join an Affiliate Program and get paid commission to promote companies you like across social media. You’ll get paid for every sign up.

4. Become a Virtual Assistant

Are you good at organisating People’s schedules and helping with booking tasks, paperwork, and activities around due dates?  Start a Facebook Business Page and join some Australian Facebook VA Jobs Groups and Business Groups.

5. Become a Copy Writer

Take a free Copywriting course on Udemy and then join a Digital Marketing Agency, or create a Profile on and and get hustling in facebook groups offering your services.

Money Saving Tips

1. Cut down on Takeaway Coffees

Did you know that in over one year on average you can spend nearly $600 on takeaway coffees? It’s the small, daily purchases that add up quickly without realising. Get your caffiene hit at home and take one for the road!  Bars are also some of the quickest places to drain money — especially for those who start feeling charitable after a drink or two. To cut back on spending, invite friends over for drinks at home first or only bring a set amount of cash and no card.

2. Use a bicycle for Transport

Increase your fitness by trying cycling everywhere you go. While we know this isn’t feasible for everyone, it is worthwhile to consider alternative modes of transportation—or take the train or bus no matter how tempting a taxi trip may seem.

3. Cut back on Entertainment

Research what’s happening around town before forking out cash for an event. During Summer, there are usually a myriad of free movies and concerts in local council parks and city museums. With a bit of planning, it’s easy to stay entertained. Some may even consider cutting out the monthly Netflix or Spotify bill in favour of a library card.

4. Go for a drive to visit Prize homes.

That’s right – prize homes.  You know the Surf Life Saving Lotteries, Your Town, RSL, Mater Prize homes?  Them.  Did you know that with Gold Lotto you only have about a 1 in 1 million chance of winning – But with a prize home, your chances are higher.  You actually have a 1 in about a 450,000 chance of winning.  In case you’re wondering, we personally asked a random couple touring a prize home on one occassion whether they had actually heard of anyone actually winning – and the woman said “YES, MY SON. HE WON TWO PRIZE HOMES IN ONE GO”.  So go along. No appointments are necessary.  You’ll enjoy the sea breeze and getting out of the house to get there, and when you get there, you can inspect the rooms and day dream about entertaining guests out on the balcony above the pool.

Join PetCloud free and create your unique listing to help Pet Owners find and book you. Start making money and saving for that next trip today!

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