It’s often difficult to keep your pets away from your food. Cats and dogs can be quite determined when there’s something tasty around, and it can be hard to resist offering them a treat from your own plate. Some foods, however, can sicken and even kill your furry companions.
Can my Dog eat Bananas?
Yes, in moderation.
Can my Dog eat Strawberries?
Yes, in moderation.
Can my Dog Eat Prawns/Shrimp?
Yes, dogs can eat cooked prawns / shrimp. Not raw.
Can my Dog eat Mushrooms?
Yes, dogs can eat plain, store bought, portobello mushrooms.
Can my Dog eat Celery?
Yes, dogs can eat celery. It’s advised to chop it up into smaller pieces so they don’t choke.
Can dogs eat Potatoes?
Yes, cooked Potatoes – not raw potatoes.
Can dogs eat Popcorn?
Yes, cooked popcorn with no salt and additives.
Can my Dog eat Cheese?
Yes but limit it. Some dogs may be lactose intolerant which may result in stomach pain, runny diarrhoea.
Can my Dog or Cat eat Chocolate?
No. Chocolate contains methylxanthines, which dogs and other animals can’t process like humans do, and caffeine, which also is toxic to animals. These compounds can be found in coffee, some sodas and chocolates. Dark chocolate is more dangerous than light chocolate, but any chocolate products can be hazardous. Affected pets may suffer from excessive thirst, vomiting, hyperactivity, accelerated heart rate and other distressing symptoms, which can be fatal in extreme cases.
Can my Dog or Cat have Coffee?
No. Coffee is toxic to Pets.
Can my Dog or Cat eat Xylitol?
No. Xylitol is an artificial sweetener found in many products, especially soft drinks, candy, baked goods and chewing gum. It’s also used in some brands of peanut butter and other nut butters. Even in small amounts, xylitol can produce a rush of insulin in animals. They may display a loss of coordination, lethargy and vomiting, and in later stages, seizures may result. If enough xylitol has been consumed, your pet may die from liver failure.
Can my Dog or Cat eat Grapes and raisins?
No. Grapes and raisins (dried grapes) have been shown to cause kidney failure in dogs, although the reason for such a reaction is not well-understood. Until more information is available, pets should not be allowed to consume grapes.
Can my Dog or Cat eat Onions, garlic and chives?
No. Onions, garlic and chives are especially bad for cats, although they can harm dogs if eaten in large enough quantities. Known as alliums, these foods (which also include shallots, leeks and scallions) can irritate your pet’s intestinal lining and cause damage to red blood cells.
Can my Dog or Cat have Alcohol?
No. It should go without saying that alcohol is bad for pets. Because of their relatively small bodies, and systems that are different from humans, what might be a modest amount of alcohol for a human might be deadly for a domestic animal. After ingesting alcohol, a pet may vomit, walk unsteadily, fall over or pass out. They also may experience breathing difficulties and fall into a coma, which can easily result in death.
Can my Dog or Cat eat Macadamia nuts?
No. Macadamia nuts can be extremely toxic to dogs. They can cause your pet to become overheated (hyperthermia), cause shaking and seizures and depress the nervous system. The symptoms usually pass within 48 hours, but are dangerous and unpleasant for your pet. Other nuts are safer, but still are best avoided, as they are high in fat and may contribute to poor health in pets.
Food safety for pets
In general, it’s a good idea to avoid giving your pet any food that’s not formulated for their particular species. Even foods that aren’t directly poisonous can cause minor health problems that make your pet’s life less enjoyable. If you choose to make your own pet food at home, be sure that every ingredient is safe for the animal’s consumption. When preparing homemade pet foods, remember that pets are also vulnerable to salmonella and E. coli infections, and ensure that food containing meat, poultry or eggs is thoroughly cooked.
Although this list covers some of the most common high-risk foods, it is by no means exhaustive. For more comprehensive information, check with your family veterinarian. You can also find advice on websites for major animal charities, such as the RSPCA.
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