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NDIS Funding, Pets, and Companion Animals

NDIS Funding, Pets, and Companion Animals

What NDIS Assistance can I get for my Pet?

PetCloud offers human-centered support. To book assistance, see PetCloud’s page on NDIS Support.  Pets play an important role in supporting NDIS Participants to achieve their goals and improve their physical and mental well-being and happiness!

Examples of Assistance:

  • Support with Community and Recreation where your dog is welcome to come along.
  • Home Visits to assist you with hygiene tasks if you are unable to do them yourself with your unique disability. Things like changing kitty litter, backyard poo patrol, changing puppy training mats, hosing toileting off a back deck.
  • Watch Video: How PetCloud supports Ashleigh to achieve her Goals

Does the NDIS pay for Pet Sitting and House Sitting?

Usually not, but there are certain circumstances where it may be considered. Get in touch with PetCloud today to find out more.

Will the NDIS pay for a companion dog?

No. The NDIS funds assistance animals, but they don’t fund pets or companion animals. In most cases, animals you buy to give you companionship, fun and emotional support are seen as pets.

Will the NDIS fund an Emotional Support Animal?

No.  Read more about Emotional Support Animals.

Would NDIS fund a dog?

No, they don’t fund the purchase of companion pet dogs. They will fund the acquisition of an Assistance Dog if its pre-approved and reasonable and necessary and aligned with the goals in your plan.

Are Assistance Dogs and Service dogs the same thing?

Yes.  Assistance Dogs is the main category that the four subcategories of Assistance Dogs are grouped under:

  1. Guide dogs
  2. Hearing dogs
  3. Mobility dogs
  4. Psychiatric assistance dogs

What does an Assistance Dog Do?

It depends on what your disabilities are. That will then impact the training the dog undergoes. Assistance Dogs are specially trained for a number of years to do specific tasks to help their human companion with day-to-day living.

Guide dogs can do things such as:

  • Press a pedestrian button at traffic lights
  • Pay Shop Assistants at a store.

Mobility Assistance Dogs can be trained to do things such as:

  • Open and close doors, drawers, cupboards and fridge
  • Take washing out of a washing machine
  • Pick up dropped items
  • Remove items of clothing
  • Warn their companion of Danger with an Alert Bark

Psychiatric Assistance Dogs can be trained to do things such as:

Hearing Assistance Dogs can be trained to do things such as:

  • Tap a handler when a phone is ringing

Will the NDIS fund an Assistance Dog?

Yes – if your Dog has already been Assistance trained and has passed your state or territory’s Public Access Test then the NDIS may fund it in line with their “Assistive animals operational guideline

No – if your Dog has not done specialist training and has not passed your state or territory’s Public Access Test yet. 

Other Organisations may fund the cost of an Assistance Dog such as Assistance Dogs Australia where their dogs are placed completely free of charge with humans who need them across Australia. 

The Department of Veterans Affairs will also pay for a trained assistance dog specific to your disability if you are an ex-defence service person and if you qualify for an Assistance Dog.

Where can I find NDIS Assistance Dog Providers?

Try Assistance Dogs Australia. Read more about Assistance Dog Breeds that are most commonin Australia

How much does an Assistance Dog Cost?

It can take 2 years to train and costs over $40,000 to provide a qualified Assistance Dog. This covers all training, food, veterinary treatment, kennelling costs and placement with a client.  Speak to Assistance Dogs Australia.

Will NDIS Funding Cover maintenance and care of an Assistance Dog or Guide Dog?

It is highly possible.  Please read this article about How to care for an Assistance Dog.

To book assistance with the care and maintenance of your Assistance Dog, see PetCloud’s page on NDIS Pet Care.  In order for ongoing costs such as food, toys, veterinary bills, training, pet insurance, and pet-related household tasks such as washing, nail clipping, and backyard poo patrol, to be covered by the NDIS, a goal of Self Sufficiency or Independence needs to be included in your NDIS Plan as a goal, along with the costs of your Guide Dog.  It is vital that you discuss your current and future needs with Guide Dog’s NDIS Planning Team before finalising your plan. 

Will the NDIS fund a Therapy Dog in Australia?

Animals used in therapy have to be guided by a qualified allied health professional and aligned to the goals and the type of disability in a Particpant’s Plan in order for sessions to be funded. Read more about Animal Therapy in Australia

Can my dog become a Therapy Dog?

Read: How can my Dog Become a Therapy Dog?

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