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Pets Embark on Trips of their Own

Pets Embark on Trips of their Own

Brisbane twins Betsy and Emma are doting dog Mums of adorable Cavalier, Lucy. In the early days of their life, their mum, Claire, was given the diagnosis that her daughters had Cerebral Palsy and Epilepsy, and it would be unlikely that they would walk or talk, that they would be destined for wheelchairs, and would remain totally reliant upon others throughout their lives.

Pet Owners with Cerebral Palsy and Epilepsy disabilities and dog at groomers
Twins Betsy and Emma with their dog Lucy. Image courtesy of Channel 7 News.

It was then that Claire was determined to help her daughters defy the odds by enriching their lives as much as possible through building Claire’s Cottage where there are day programs teaching life and social skills.

Further enhancing their independence, is PetCloud’s Pet Taxi service which through technology makes services like grooming and transport, accessible and bookable by all Pet Owners.

Even though Betsy and Emma can’t drive due to their epilepsy, the service can be booked to come and pick up pets without needing their Owners to drive them to Vet or Grooming appointments.

How to book a Scheduled Pet Taxi on PetCloud

First book your Vet or Grooming Appointment at least 2 days in advance. Once that is confirmed, go to PetCloud.  You will need to book 2 Trips.  One Trip to take your Pet to their destination. A second trip for a Pet Taxi to collect your Pet an hour after their appointment time to bring them home again.

  1. Join free
  2. Create a Profile for you, and then your Pet.
  3. Go to the Post a Job Screen and select Pet Taxi.
  4. Input your pickup address and destination address and the date and time needed.
  5. Post!
PetCloud App, Pet Taxi, Pet App
PetCloud’s Pet Taxi is able to be booked from the website.

What happens next:

Local, Police checked, Licensed, Trained, Pet Taxi Drivers will apply and you select which Driver you want to give the job to.

On the Day of the Booking

On the day of the job, place your cat in a Cat Carrier or your Dog in a Body Harness and Leash attached and bring them out to the Driver’s Car.

The Driver will clip their body harness or carrier handle to the seat belt with a seat belt adaptor.

The Driver will ask the Groomer to message the Owner to confirm their Pet has arrived and Grooming will now begin.

After the grooming appointment, a Pet Taxi Driver Arrives to collect the Pet, place them in their Cat Carrier or body harness and leash, clip them to the seat belt adaptor, and will take them home again.

A Pet Taxi Driver booked through PetCloud has brought in Lucy to her pre-booked Grooming Appointment at Friends with Fur in Cannon Hill. Image courtesy of Channel 7 News.

One in six (18%) Australians have a disability and there are expected to be around 460,000 participants on the NDIS once it’s rolled out, prompting national pet care service PetCloud to work with NDIS providers to ensure participants’ pets can get groomed, exercised and driven to their check-ups.

Australia’s leading NDIS Plan Management organisation, Leap in! General Manager Andrew Kiel said would it make pet ownership easier for participants.  “Pets play an important and often unsung role in supporting NDIS Participants to achieve their goals and improve their physical and mental wellbeing. PetCloud’s services, such as dog walking and pet taxis, are valuable for people with disabilities and make it possible for all Australians to access the support they need to take care of their pets,” Andrew said.

“Research shows pets have a calming effect that can assist to decrease blood pressure and cholesterol, their love and loyalty can ease feelings of loneliness, and dogs also create opportunities for exercise, outdoor activities and socialisation, so we want to remove any barriers to pet ownership for Australians who are most in need of an animal companion,” Deb added.

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