This month we are highlight Katy who had a fascination with animals since she was a litte girl and now can indulge her passion while getting paid.
As Katy grew up she was asked by family friends to care for their animals while away and as she got older word kept spreading. Katy went through a period in her life while in between house and would exchange her pet care services for being able to stay at frinds homes, then she found PetCloud.
I’ve been with PetCloud for: Approximately a year and a half.
Occupation: Writer and unofficial animal wrangler.
Services I offer: Minding at my home (overnight or daycare), walking, 24/7 care, excessive cuddles.
How do you make owners and their pets feel special?
I like to treat everyone’s animals as I would my own – with respect and love.
A big part of pet sitting for me is not just about the rudimentary things like feeding and walking pets etc. It’s about making sure that the animals in my care are comfortable with me and in my home. I want them to feel safe and happy in their temporary space so that when their owners return, they are greeted with the same happy and loved dog they left.
I want the owners to feel comfortable leaving their “furbabies” with me and able to go away knowing their animals feel safe and happy being in my company.
I also like to clarify with the owners of the pets if there are any particular behaviours or activities that they want to encourage or discourage in their animals, so that the pets are consistently taught and interacted with while away from their homes.
What do you find rewarding about being a pet sitter?
I love the fact that every single animal is so very different in personality, whether the same animal or breed or not. I find animal behaviour absolutely fascinating and discovering an animals traits and quirks is definitely my favourite part of pet sitting.
Live in Melbourne and think Katy sounds like the perfect match for your pet?
Check our Katy’s profile or Book her services here.
How did being an Accredited Pet Sitter help you stand out from the pack?
I think it puts people more at ease when they see the Accredited Pet Sitter badge. They are able to see that you’ve gone to an effort beyond what was “necessary” to be able to care for their animals.
How did the Accredited Pet Sitter course help give you confidence?
I’ve looked after pets and volunteered with animals for years, so the Certified Pet Sitter course, while not necessarily all new information for me, made me relieved to know that I was doing the right things by people and their pets in regards to pet sitting.
What’s one piece of advice you would give to budding Pet Sitters out there?
Ask the owners questions about their pets! You can never have too much information about an animal in your care!
Love animlas? Become a sitter today and live the dream of being paid to cuddle and care for cute animals!

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