Pet sitting can be a fun experience and is definitely to consider if you’re an animal lover. Imagine the joys of spending your days with pets, all while getting paid to do it. We go through some of the amazing benefits of pet sitting and find out why this is the perfect job!
Here are seven reasons why house sitting is the most PAWSOME Job.
- Extra income. From saving to taking a dream trip, paying off debt, use the extra income to fund your passions.
- Save money. Pet minding will not only make you money, it will save you money. For the day or days, while you are looking after the person’s pets, you don’t have to pay for the electricity, internet, water etc. you are while sitting. You will also not be using any of these facilities from your house, all saving you money on your bills while you get paid for it.
- You can get paid to travel. House sitting gives you the opportunity to effectively get paid to stay somewhere new. Feel like a weekend away at the beach? Find someone in the beach area through PetCloud who requires pet minding for the weekend and enjoy a relaxing weekend away with some animal friends to keep you company.
- You’re the boss. Accept only the Pets you want to mind, offer the services you want to offer, for the prices you are willing to do it for, in the location where you want to do the minding (in your home or the Pet Owners home).
- Flexibility and Freedom. You’re the boss. Work to your own schedule and work as much, or little as you like. Apply to jobs on our jobs board or respond to enquiries from Pet Owners
- You will get fitter When dog minding, you are going to be taking the dog for walks out in the sunshine at least once every day and playing games like fetch or tug of war. With all that walking and playing games, you are going to get fitter and healthier and have loads of fun while you do it.
- You get paid to look after cute animals all day Isn’t it every kid’s dream to stay at home with and play with pets all day? What could be better than fulfilling a childhood dream? The fact that you also get paid to do it!
- It’s like having your own pets, but without the commitment Pet minding is a great way for animal lovers to get their fix of pets without having to commit to getting their own. When you set up an account with PetCloud, you can list the days and times that you are available and choose which bookings you take on. This way you still get to play with and look after animals but don’t have to miss out on holidays, or spontaneous weekends away because you have a pet and can’t find a sitter in time.
Recently one of our top Pet Sitter Maddy got a 1-month house sitting booking and she is having a great time living in a beautiful house with two dogs and one cat. The best part is she is getting paid to do that. Maddy started out as a casual House Sitter on PetCloud but now she does it full time.
(Pictures taken by PetCloud Pet Sitter Maddy)
So what are you waiting for? Sign up today to become a Pet/House Sitter on PetCloud.
Author – Ellie Martinez She is a university student, studying a BCI majoring in creative and professional writing. She is passionate about animals and their welfare. She has a pet cat named Tom Cat which she adopted from the RSPCA back in 2005.

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