It’s time to celebrate man’s best friend on Friday June 21st with Take Your Dog to Work Day! We share some of the health benefits and tips for taking your dog to work.
Australian’s love our pets with two thirds of households owning a pet of some kind! Bring Your Dog to Work Day celebrates the great companions dogs make plus promotes adoptions to dog-less co-workers. There are many physical and mental health benefits of having a pet friendly workplace for both the business, employees, owners and pets.
Laughter and positivity creates great morale and better communication.
Before taking your dog to work it is important to make sure the health of your colleagues, office visitors and, of course, your furbaby will not be impacted in a negative way.
- Clear it with your boss first. Agree on a size & temperament of pets they say are suitable to bring in.
- Be respectful of any co-workers’ pet allergies.
- Sign post and broadcast any pet no-go zones.
- Don’t bring your pet into work if you’ll be busier than usual.
- Only bring in your pet if they’re toilet trained. Clean up any accidents immediately.
- Only bring your pet to work if they are well-trained and socialised.
- Keep your pet on a leash or in a gated area with a pet bed.
- Take your pet home if their behaviour is disruptive.
- Bring the essentials on the Vertical Checklist below
- Bring your pet’s favourite blanket, food and travel water bowl, dog bed, food and treats.
- Place their bed beside your desk
- Try taking your dog for exercise before arriving at the office so they aren’t too excited and are more likely to settle and be calmer
- Don’t forget toilet breaks and walks every 2 hours.
- Keep your dog out of the kitchen area
- Reward your dog’s calm behaviour
Studies prove that pets have calming effects, reduce blood pressure, lowers stress, and makes employees more productive.
Do you love pets? Join our pet-loving community today!
We would love to see photos of you with your furbaby hard at work supporting Take Your Dog to Work Day! Share them with us by tagging @petcloud on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
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