Doggy Day Care Sydney, NSW

Police Checked and Insured Dog Carers Near You.

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How it works


Find a Sitter

Search for sitters in your area, read the reviews & enquire.


Meet and Greet

Meet your sitter & inspect the property for peace of mind.


Confirm the job

Seamlessly book & securely pay using our digital wallet.


Pack & Relax

Drop off your pet & relax knowing they are in the best care.

Or post a job and let available Dog Carers come to you...

This sends out an alert in a 25km radius and available sitters will come to you.

Book with Confidence

Safe Stays

Safe Stays

We help you book safe and secure pet stays.

Insured Sitters

Insured Sitters

Our insurance protects your wallet against potential big vet emergency bills.

Police Checked

Police Checked

We ensure all sitters are police checked.



Our website provides a written agreement for your services booked.

Trained Minders

Trained Minders

We provide RSPCA Accredited Pet Care Training to sitters and walkers.

Secure Escrow

Payment for Bookings before they begin is made into a PetCloud holding account. Funds are released by Pet Owners at the end of the booking.


Connecting you with Dog Carers in your area

Very few of us have the luxury of being able to stay home with our pets. When we get home from a long day at work, most of us have little energy left to take the puppy on a long walk or play an extensive game of tug of war. When we do have time, we might not know how to socialise the puppy. Doggy day care can help with some of these issues and more.


What is Doggy Day Care?

Doggy day care is day time care service for your dog in a pet sitter's home. Depending on the Pet Sitter you choose, you can also choose puppy day care for younger dogs.


What happens at Doggy Day Care?

It varies from sitter to sitter in a home based environment, usually:

Why put your dog or puppy in Doggy Day Care?

Socialisation - Socialisation is a vital part of a puppie's learning, development and wellbeing. According to the RSPCA Australia knowledge-base, puppies have what is known as the 'critical socialisation period' from roughly 3 to 17 weeks of age.

Mental health - Doggy Day Care can provide many different opportunities for mental stimulation: new sights, sounds, smells, friends to make, and games to play. This keeps their minds active and is a crucial element for overall health, wellbeing, and development.

Separation anxiety - being cooped up inside alone all day and not knowing where their owner is, or when they are coming back can be very stressful on a puppy. Doggy day care may help to prevent or manage separation anxiety, as they will have lots of physical and mental activities to keep them stimulated and dogs and people to keep them company. 

PetCloud is the most trusted booking service in Australia, and it is part-owned by Australia's oldest and most respected Animal welfare Charity, RSPCA Qld.

Sydney Doggy Day Carers near you


So what are you waiting for? Book one of our friendly Doggy Day Carers for your precious pet now!