Doggy Daycare in Bendigo, VIC

Police Checked, Insured, and Local

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Connecting you with Pet Professionals...

How it works


Find a Sitter

Search for sitters in your area, read the reviews & enquire.


Meet and Greet

Meet your sitter & inspect the property for peace of mind.


Confirm the job

Seamlessly book & securely pay using our digital wallet.


Pack & Relax

Drop off your pet & relax knowing they are in the best care.

Or post a job and let available Dog Carers come to you...

This sends out an alert in a 25km radius and available sitters will come to you.

Book with Confidence

Safe Stays

Safe Stays

We help you book safe and secure pet stays.

Insured Sitters

Insured Sitters

Our insurance protects your wallet against potential big vet emergency bills.

Police Checked

Police Checked

We ensure all sitters are police checked.



Our website provides a written agreement for your services booked.

Trained Minders

Trained Minders

We provide RSPCA Accredited Pet Care Training to sitters and walkers.

Secure Escrow

Payment for Bookings before they begin is made into a PetCloud holding account. Funds are released by Pet Owners at the end of the booking.


Connecting you with Dog Carers in your area

Introduction to the World of Pet Sitting with PetCloud

In today's fast-paced world, pet owners often struggle with guilt and worry over leaving their furry companions at home alone. Recognising this, PetCloud steps in as a revolutionary marketplace for ing the most trustworthy and loving pet sitters in town. Whether it's for a hectic day at work or a much-needed vacation, PetCloud ensures your pets are cared for just like they would be at home.

Explore our variety of daycare options to guarantee your pet's happiness and safety. the perfect sitter today.

Why Choose PetCloud for Doggy Daycare in Bendigo

Choosing the right care for your pets has never been easier. With PetCloud, worries take a backseat as pet owners in Bendigo and its surrounding suburbs like Golden Square, Strathdale, Kangaroo Flat, Flora Hill, and Epsom, can easily a perfect match for their pet sitting needs.

Doggy Daycare: A Day in the Life With PetCloud

Enrolling your dog in doggy daycare Bendigo ensures they're not just looked after, but are also given a day packed with fun, care, and learning. Activities include:

Why Trust PetCloud with Your Doggy Daycare Needs in Bendigo

Choosing PetCloud's doggy daycare in Bendigo means not just ensuring safety and happiness for your pet, but it also means peace of mind for you. By selecting our services, you're entrusting your furry family members to dedicated, professional caretakers who see your pets as their own. Our collaboration with the RSPCA and emphasis on police-checked, insured, and trained caregivers highlight our commitment to quality and safety. With services available in Bendigo and its suburbs, ing the right care for your pet is just a few clicks away.


In summary, when life's demands pull you away, PetCloud's doggy daycare in Bendigo stands ready to fill in with love, care, and professionalism. It's a place where pets are not only looked after but are also given the opportunity to grow, play, and make new friends. Trust PetCloud to keep your pet happy, healthy, and eager to see their sitter day after day.

Choosing PetCloud means choosing peace of mind and exceptional care for your pet. Don’t hesitate to secure the best daycare experience for your furry family member in Bendigo.