Pet Sitters Newcastle, Nsw

Newcastle Pet Sitters Near You - Police Checked and Insured

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Search for sitters in your area, read the reviews & enquire.


Meet and Greet

Meet your sitter & inspect the property for peace of mind.


Confirm the job

Seamlessly book & securely pay using our digital wallet.


Pack & Relax

Drop off your pet & relax knowing they are in the best care.

Or post a job and let available Pet Sitters come to you...

This sends out an alert in a 25km radius and available sitters will come to you.

Book with Confidence

Safe Stays

Safe Stays

We help you book safe and secure pet stays.

Insured Sitters

Insured Sitters

Our insurance protects your wallet against potential big vet emergency bills.

Police Checked

Police Checked

We ensure all sitters are police checked.



Our website provides a written agreement for your services booked.

Trained Minders

Trained Minders

We provide RSPCA Accredited Pet Care Training to sitters and walkers.

Secure Escrow

Payment for Bookings before they begin is made into a PetCloud holding account. Funds are released by Pet Owners at the end of the booking.


Connecting you with Pet Sitters in your area

Newcastle Pet Sitters for your Dog or Cat

Our passion is providing reviewed, RSPCA accredited individuals that you and your dog or cat can meet before you leave town.
Much better than some stranger from the local message board or, leaving your dog with friends who may not have the same love for your pet, right?

You might be thinking; “All right, but aside from it being nicer than a kennel what makes Newcastle pet sitters so great?”

  1. Focused care
    - Have you ever left your pet alone for too long and had them get into something they shouldn't? Or maybe, so starved for attention after you've come home from work that they wouldn't leave your side? Like us, Cats and Dogs need and cherish company. Our Pet Sitters provide focused care and company to your pet while you're away. Catteries and Kennels are full of hard-working people but also swamped. While that can be fun for your pet, it can also be a problem. Focused care is especially important if your dog or cat has special needs. Which is our next point;
  2. Your Pets Special Needs are Met
    - Special needs animals such as pets with diabetes or severe arthritis or other conditions need extra care for their health and comfort. Having an accredited Pet Sitter take care of your pet either in your home or, at theirs gives peace of mind that vital instructions are carried out and not passed off or forgotten..
  3. Pet Pals
    - How many Pets could you take care of at one time and still know what's happening with every single one? Five? Three? At any given time a kennel or cattery can have 20 to 50 or more pets to feed, groom, comfort, exercise, and play with. They're hard workers, but not superhuman. Hiring a Pet Sitter is like hiring a personal friend for your puppy or kitty cat. They're able to give you real feedback on how your pet is doing because they aren't overburdened. They're also your Pets carer 24/7 not just between 9 am and 5 pm.
  4. Home Turf
    - The home turf advantage is rife in sports and teams who play at home or close to usually perform better than those who are away from home. Why? Because their mind is at ease. It's comfortable. They know the sights and sounds of the area and the people. Pets are the same when they're in a home environment vs a kennel. Sitters all over the Newcastle suburbs invite pets into their home, and in many cases, your animal is very close to their own home. Pet Sitters can take your dog on their usual walk around the park or neighbourhood. Additionally, if you'd like your pet looked after in your own home, many of our sitters can also provide house sitting services if your pet is a little nervous in any new environment.
  5. Home is where the bark is
    - Pets love a home environment as much as we do. A couch, floor, yard or bed somewhere where they are free to roam is significantly better than a cage or enclosure next to 50 other animals. No one likes to be behind bars (even if it’s just for their own safety).
  6. Safety
    - A pet sitter taking care of your pet in their home can only manage one booking at a time so, you know there aren’t aggressive other animals, or unvaccinated or unneutered pets running around in the same vicinity that could cause your pet harm.
  7. Due diligence
    - You don't know the staff in a kennel. Likely, you don't know all of the people who interact with your pet regularly when staying there. However, that's not true with a PetCloud Pet Sitter minding your cat or dog. Their personality, ratings and even pictures of their home are displayed on their profile. Background checks, access to a car in emergency and accreditation are all there for you to see. That's transparency.

Speaking of, take a look at some of the profiles of pet sitters in your area and you’ll see what we mean;

As a Pet Owner, you’ve got a pretty good idea of what a good pet parent (or short term substitute) looks like. If the above didn’t convince you of the helpfulness of a local pet sitter then take a look at some of these verified sitter’s profiles;

Sarah - She may be out in Mayfield but Sarah is a 5-star Pet Sitter if we’ve ever seen one. A marketer by trade and a lover of animals by design she’s been keeping us and the pets of Newcastle company for 2 years now.
Sarah Mayfield, Newcastle NSW pet sitter

Joanne - A genuine animal lover and active pet carer Jo has received glowing reviews from owners whose pets are a little on the energetic side. From her home in Redhead, NSW shes able to host small animals or, come to your home as an in-house cat sitter, canine or critter.
Joanne - Redhead Pet Sitter

Carmela - A true saint in looking after dogs with a beautiful fenced yard, a dog door and air-conditioning for the summer months her home is a pets paradise.She also has exceptional skills in taking care of old dogs or dogs with special needs.
Carmela and family, Newcastle dogs lovers and sitters

These loved and experienced sitters are only a sample of some of the top talent that you can expect from a PetCloud Pet Sitter; genuine open hearts and homes ready to take your Cat or Dog in.

So what are you waiting for? Book one of our friendly sitters for your precious pet now!